Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is David Cameron a clone of Tony Blair (with a different hair style),but similar policies?

It wont matter because they will be voted out by the Conservatives this time. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I have always been sympathetic with Labor, but not now.Is David Cameron a clone of Tony Blair (with a different hair style),but similar policies?
I agree with Rob Roy. People will vote for their local council more or less on local grounds which are not necessarily connected with the Parliamentary party. At some stage David Cameron will have to try and convince natural Tory voters that they will not be voting for another all spin and no substance Blair. I have always been a Conservative but the jury is still out as far as Cameron is concerned. If I want leftish policies I'll vote Labour or Lib Dem.Is David Cameron a clone of Tony Blair (with a different hair style),but similar policies?
Of course not. Obsessed with being new and forward thinking and 'call me Dave' and transparently saying the things people want to hear just to get the votes, then go back on them?

I'm sure Anthony never pulled any stunts like that!
No I don't think so - time will tell.
No he is definitely not a Tony Blair clone. When labour came to power ten years ago this month, I thought it was curtains for the UK. He has surprised me very much over the years, mostly positively. He is a quick learner and despite the considerable failings of both his cabinet and advisors, and especially his- own -agenda-led chancellour, has managed the nation creditably. This I feel irrespective of one's views over Iraq.

Mr Cameron strikes me as a natural pro-active thinker. To govern in this day and age, it is essential to know where you are going before you get there. Also, one must have loads of brainpower, which David Cameron seems to have in spades.

As for policies, the electorate does deserve to be made fully aware of what he stands for and plans for the nation. He can be forgiven for being reluctant to expose his ideas too fully too soon, as the opposition is now so bereft of ideas that any inkling of his plans is immediately nabbed by them and claimed as their own. You can thus appreciate the position this places the Tory opposition leader in and explains any real or perceived hesitation on his part. This is a man of huge vision whom the electorate could do far worse than to consider him for the next Prime Minister of this great nation.
The trouble with Cameron is he has not put enough distance between his ideas and those of Bliar. I know many Conservative voters who are disappointed in him. We'll just have to wait and see I suppose.
I asked the same Question to Tony / David concerning a matter of law . Answer they can't do anything , sorry

It's a fact who ever is in power , is powerless / useless and what ever they get paid , is far too much.

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